Part 2 - SIAC
Strengthening Impact Assessment in the CG (2013-2017)
Virginia Tech received four grants under the SIAC project that contributed to objectives 3 (Impact Assessment) and 4 (Building a community of practice) of the overall SIAC project. Grants received:
1) New Partnerships for Building Impact Assessment Capacity in the CGIAR
4) Forest co-management in Guinea: a multi-scale, multi-output impact analysis
Project outputs from AAEC:
- MS Student theses (completed and in progress)
- Nicole Flores: Impact Assessment of Natural Resource Management Policy Research: A case study of the contribution of the Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Project to the effectiveness of the Indonesian Forest Moratorium, June 2016
- Corinna Clements: Assessing the Impact of the Jepara Furniture Value Chain Project, August 2016
- Stephanie Myrick: An Economic Impact Assessment of Cooperation-88 Potato Variety in the Yunnan Province of China, September 2016
- Catherine O’Donnell: Peruvian Food Security in The Face of Recurrent Natural Disasters: A Two-Step Adoption Analysis for Improved Potato Varieties, Fall 2016
- Emma Shirey: Economic Impacts of the Genebank at the International Potato Center (CIP), Fall 2016
- Craig Nelson: Household Impacts of Forest Co-Management in Guinea, Expected Summer 2017
- PhD Student outputs:
- Kate Vaiknoras: Dissertation research efforts focus on dynamics of adoption of high iron bean varieties and their impact. Expected dissertation Summer 2018
Click here to learn more about Part 1 - DIIVA project