International Development and Trade

We focus on economic analysis to improve international development and trade policies
Our topics include methods for measuring poverty and inequality; evaluation of public policies for poverty reduction and economic growth; interactions between environment, health, and development; methods for measuring technical change and impacts of agricultural research; the political economy of trade, imperfect competition, and intra-industry trade; and the monetary aspects of international trade.
Graduate students have the opportunity to work on cross-disciplinary projects and partner with numerous private-sector professionals and organizations.
Synchronization of Regional Growth Dynamics in China
Theme Overview: U.S.–China Trade Dispute and Potential Impacts on Agriculture
Theme Overview: U.S. Commodity Markets Will Respond to Changes in China's Ag Policies
U.S. Agricultural Exports to China Increased Rapidly Making China the Number One Market
Tariff Changes and the Margins of Trade: A Case Study of U.S. Agri-Food Imports
Do Improved Groundnut Seeds Make African Farmers More Food Secure? Evidence From Uganda
Reaching the Poor: Cash Transfer Program Targeting in Cameroon
Schooling Achievement among Rural Zimbabwean Children during a Period of Economic Turmoil
Supplying China's Growing Appetite for Poultry
Agricultural Domestic Support under the WTO: Experience and Prospects
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
In 2015, the United Nations adopted a global framework for sustainable development focusing on 17 SDGs. The SDGs call for all countries to address complex, global problems covering all aspects of sustainability such as health and well-being, equality, clean water, and climate change.
Virginia Tech is tracking progress toward achieving the United Nation’s SDGs across three categories; research, outreach, and stewardship. View the progress here.