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Our faculty has expertise in applied economics and agribusiness principles that help address the food, financial, health, development, policy, environmental, and social needs in Virginia and beyond. Click on the faculty photo to learn more about them!

Jeffrey Alwang, Professor | Expertise: Development economics; international development economics; rural and regional economic development
Elinor Benami
Elinor Benami, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Development economics; environmental and natural resource economics
Darrell Bosch, Professor | Expertise: Environmental and natural resource economics
John Bovay, Associate Professor and Kohl Junior Faculty Fellow | Expertise: Agricultural economics; agribusiness; applied econometrics and economic analytics; food and health economics
Michael Cary, Research Assistant Professor | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; environmental and natural resource economics; rural and regional economic development
Our research
RESEARCH WITH IMPACT: We address questions and deliver solutions to real-world problems for Virginians, the nation, and those around the world.
Shourish Chakravarty
Shourish Chakravarty, Assistant Professor Southern Piedmont AREC | Expertise: Economic tools to analyze issues in agricultural production, technology and conservation practice adoption, and crop profitability
About us
ABOUT US: Inspired by our land grant mission and motto Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), we teach, conduct research, and distribute findings that empower a diverse audience of students, stakeholders, and alumni to change the world.
Zhenshan Chen
Zhenshan Chen, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; energy and public economics; environmental and natural resource economics
Students graduating
GRADUATE PROGRAM: Our faculty and graduates have expertise in applied economics and agribusiness principles that help address food, financial, health, development, policy, environmental, and social needs in Virginia and around the world. Check out our graduate program!
Dixie Watts Dalton, Associate Professor of Practice, Director for the Center for Economic Education at Virginia Tech, and OMALS Agribusiness Concentration Coordinator | Expertise: Agribusiness; agritourism; professional M.S. online program
George Davis
George Davis, Professor and Interim Department Head | Expertise: Agricultural economics; agricultural trade and policy analysis; applied econometrics and economic analytics; food and health economics; professional M.S. program; labor economics
Michael Ellerbrock, Professor | Expertise: Energy and public economics; environmental and natural resource economics
Jennifer Friedel, Associate Professor of Practice and Director of the VA Land Use-Value Assessment Program | Expertise: Real estate economics and management; law and land use/agribusiness law
Jason Grant, W.G. Wysor Professor of Agriculture and Director of the Center for Agricultural Trade at Virginia Tech | Expertise: Agricultural economics; agribusiness; agricultural trade policy analysis; international development economics
Anubhab Gupta, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Agricultural economics; applied econometrics and economic analytics; development economics; international development economics
Michael Gutter, Director for the Virginia Cooperative Extension and Associate Dean for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Expertise: Economic disparities on the well-being of vulnerable populations through the lens of behavioral and family economics
Xi He, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Agricultural trade policy analysis; food and health economics
Chanit'a Holmes, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; food and health economics; rural and regional economic development
Catherine Larochelle, Associate Professor | Expertise: Food and health economics; international development economics; rural and regional economic development
Nicolas Legrand, Research Assistant Professor | Expertise: Agricultural economics; agricultural trade policy analysis; applied econometrics and economic analytics; international development economics
Olga Isengildina Massa, John B. and Kristi L. Rowsell Professor, Undergraduate Director, and lead advisor for Commodity Investing by Students (COINS) | Expertise: Agribusiness; agricultural trade policy analysis; professional M.S. online program; agricultural and commodity marketing
Paula Mercadante, Instructor | Expertise: Agricultural and commodity marketing; agribusiness
Bradford Mills, Professor | Expertise: Development economics; international development economics; rural and regional economic development
Klaus Moeltner, Professor | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; environmental and natural resource economics
Mario Ortez
Mario Ortez, Collegiate Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship | Expertise: Agribusiness, finance, price analysis, consumer preferences, farm management
Pedro Queiroz, Instructor | Expertise: Agricultural economics; agribusiness; agricultural and commodity marketing
Kurt Stephenson, Professor | Expertise: Aquaculture; energy and public economics; environmental and natural resource economics
Shamar Stewart, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; international development economics
Jonathan van Senten, Associate Professor | Expertise: Aquaculture
C. Wang
Chunbei Wang, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director| Expertise: Labor economics; entrepreneurship and small business; economics of human migration and immigration
L Wang
Le Wang, Professor and David M. Kohl Chair | Expertise: Applied econometrics and economic analytics; energy and public economics; food and health economics; development economics; labor economics; professional M.S. online program
Wei Zhang, Assistant Professor | Expertise: Agricultural economics; environmental and natural resource economics