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Alpha Diallo

Meta, Technical Program Manager, Strategy, and Insights
Alpha Diallo
Young Alumni Council Member, August 2024
Jersey City, NJ

Young Alumni Council Member Bio

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How did you end up at Virginia Tech and in your major?

  • I am a Richmond, VA native so naturally, Virginia Tech was the right choice for me! I had no idea what I would major in, but I knew I wanted to help people. I sought out majors that would allow me to work in community and economic development and the applied economic management major fit the bill.

Class year(s) and degree(s)

  • 2016, B.S. in Applied Economic Management at Virginia Tech and 2018, M.S. Urban Planning at University of Virginia

Favorite Virginia Tech memory

  • My favorite memory of Virginia Tech is the winters we would experience on campus. I don't think I will ever see snow like that again. It reminded me a lot of the winters we'd have in Richmond as a kid. Snow up to your waist some years! Also, game days in the fall are an experience you can't quite put into words. The campus really comes alive on those days. You could be walking on campus and next thing you know you're having burgers and hot chocolate at a tailgate by the stadium.

Why should a prospective student consider agricultural and applied economics? 

  • The faculty in this program truly demonstrates a genuine commitment to their students' success. They show great care for their students and create an environment where each student's goals and challenges are understood. Also, the things you'll learn in this program will extend far beyond the classroom, offering skills and knowledge that directly apply to real-world situations.

Fun fact about yourself.

  • I'm a dad to two amazing little humans!