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Program details and sample curriculum

International Trade and Development Major Flyer.pdf

The International Trade and Development major requires a multidisciplinary background to help prepare students for careers in the fast-growing areas of international trade and development.


Sample curriculum

TOTAL Credits = 120 credits
Undergraduate Catalog Course Descriptions
Individual programs depend on transfer credits, if applicable

  • Fall Semester: AAEC 1005, ENGL 1105, MATH 1025, Pathways 2 class, Pathways 4 class = 15 credits
  • Spring Semester: AAEC 1006, AAEC 2434, ENGL 1106, Pathways 4 class, Pathways 2 class = 15 credits

  • Fall Semester: AAEC 3015 (1 credit), IS 2054, ACIS 2115, COMM 2004, Pathways 6-Design class, Pathways 7 class = 16 credits
  • Spring Semester: AAEC 3004, AAEC 3324, Pathways 5F class, IS 2064, Pathways 6-Arts class = 15 credits

  • Fall Semester: STAT 3615, AAEC 3204, AAEC elective, Minor/Area of Specialization class, Free elective = 15 credits
  • Spring Semester: AAEC 3024, AAEC 3014, ENGL 3774, Minor/Area of Specialization class, Choice of: AAEC 4504, AAEC 4804, GEOG 2084, ECON 3254 or ECON 4304 = 15 credits

  • Fall Semester: AAEC 4324, AAEC 3424, AAEC elective, Minor/Area of Specialization class, Minor/Area of Specialization class = 15 credits
  • Spring Semester: AAEC elective, Minor/Area of Specialization class, Minor/Area of Specialization class, Free elective, Free elective (2 credits) = 14 credits

You will learn the following key skill sets from this major

  1. Economic analysis
  2. Food and agricultural policy
  3. Marketing
  4. Trade negotiations

Potential careers

  1. Policy analyst
  2. Government representative
  3. Development economist
  4. Food security specialist
  5. International trade specialist
  6. Peace Corps

A highlight of companies who hire our graduates

  • American Farm Bureau Federation
  • CropLife America
  • Delta Air Lines
  • Department of Labor
  • Harvard University
  • Georgetown University
  • IBM
  • John Deere Company
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • KPMG
  • National Corn Growers Association
  • Norfolk Southern
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Syngenta
  • U.S. Government, and more...