Klaus Moeltner named faculty mentor for AERE Scholars Program
KLAUS MOELTNER has been named a mentor in the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) Scholars Program. This new mentoring program aims to engage a diverse group of early career environmental and natural resource economists in AERE while providing invaluable career guidance, skill development, and networking opportunities. It represents an ambitious effort to increase diversity in environmental and natural resource economics, help the newest members of our community succeed, and create an inclusive culture that encourages members to give back to the organization and field. The one-year Scholars Program includes (1) a one-on-one mentorship between the scholar and a more established AERE member, (2) peer mentoring that is led by the scholars themselves, and (3) a one-day workshop on the “hidden curriculum”. Mentors must have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience and be AERE members. The program committee reviewed an impressive pool of applicants to select 20 mentors, who are asked to commit time and energy to the mentoring process, share experiences and advice about the profession, and provide objective feedback.