Everett Peterson

202-A Hutcheson Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, 1989
M.S., Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University, 1983
B.S., Agricultural Business, Iowa State University, 1981
My research focuses on developing economic models to analyze the impacts of domestic and international policies. I seek to provide policy-makers with accurate information on the likely impacts of specific policies. Most policies have direct and indirect - sometimes unintended - impacts. Without careful modeling of responses, particularly across multiple markets, analysis of policy impacts can be misleading. My focus is to measure accurately all direct and indirect impacts to improve the reliability of estimated policy impacts.
Current Projects
Assessing the Economic Implications of Reduced Water Availability and Better Management Practices on Representative Farms in Southern Alberta (1/2012 – 3/2014)
Funding Source: University of Lethbridge
The Impact of Oil Prices on the Air Transportation Industry (9/2011 – 6/2013)
Funding Source: Federal Aviation Administration
Future Research
Investigating the Effects of Residue Limits on US Trade
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures are not new, but their significance in international agri-food trade continues to grow. Among the potential list of non-tariff barriers affecting the competitiveness of US agricultural exports, SPS measures are prominent because of the sensitive nature of issues such as food safety and the protection of plant and animal health from pest and disease risks. Recent studies show that the effects of phytosanitary treatments on US fresh fruit and vegetable trade depend critically on the type of product treatment required and the duration of the requirement. However, these studies have lacked information about SPS-related food safety measures.
Invited Lectures
“Evaluating the Trade Restrictiveness of Phytosanitary Measures on U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports.” Present at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, October 22, 2012.
“A Modeling Framework for Evaluating Economic Impacts of APHIS Import Regulations.” Presented at US Department of Agriculture, APHIS, Analysis and Development (PAD), Riverdale, MD, September 27, 2012
“Phytosanitary Treatments on US Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports.” Presented at the US International Trade Commission, Washington, DC, November 10, 2011.
“Using Reservation Prices to Endogenize Quantity Demanded for New Market Entrants.” Presented at US Department of Agriculture, APHIS, Policy Analysis and Development (PAD), Riverdale, MD, February 18, 2011.
“Potential Fresh Apple Imports from China: A Preliminary Case Study.” Presented at U.S. Department of Agriculture, APHIS, Policy and Program Development (PPD), Riverdale, MD and projected to USDA/APHIS/ The Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (CPHST), Raleigh, NC, February, 26, 2010.
“Voluntary Pledges Versus a 30% Reduction Target for Annex I: Economic Effects of a 2 Degree GHG Emission Path.” Presented to members of the German delegation to the UNFCCC climate conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 12, 2009. Joachim Schleich presenter.
Courses Taught
- AAEC 4204: Food and Agricultural Policy
- AAEC 4804/5804: Fundamentals of Econometrics
- AAEC 5114: Applied Microeconomic Theory
- AAEC 6434: Markets and Regulation
- AAEC 6464: Demand and Production Analysis
- AAEC 6476: Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
I have had an active role in advising graduate students during my tenure at Virginia Tech. I have advised or co-advised 11 graduate students (five Ph.D. and six M.S.) and am currently co-advising one Ph.D. student. In addition, I have served as a committee member for 33 other graduate students.
- Assistant-Associate-Full Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech, July 1989-Present
Gamma Sigma Delta Faculty Research Award, 2010
Research Fellow, Global Trade Analysis Project, 2004-2007
Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis, American Agricultural Economics Association, 1990
Articles in Referred Journals
Hejazi, Mina, Jason Grant, and Everett Peterson. “Tariff Changes and the Margins of Trade: A Case Study of U.S. Agri-Food Imports.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics: in press.
Grant, Jason, Everett Peterson, and Kurt Klein. “Assessing the Economic Implications of Reduced Water Availability and Better Management Practices on Representative Farms in Southern Alberta.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics: in press.
Grant, Jason, Everett Peterson, Radu Ramniceanu. Assessing the Impact of SPS Regulations on US Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 40(1)(2015): 144-164.
Buckmaster, Amy, Jeffrey Alwang, Everett Peterson, Maurico Rivera. Going the Distance: How does Market Access Affect Demand for IPM Packages? Journal of Integrated Pest Management. Volume 5, Number 1, pp. B1-B7(7).
Peterson, E., J.H. Grant, D. Roberts, and V. Karov. 2013. “Evaluating the Trade Restrictiveness of Phytosanitary Measures on US Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Peterson, Everett B., Kevin Neels, Nathan Barczi, and Thea Graham. The Economic Cost of Flight Delay. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47(1) (January 2013): 107-121.
Cororaton, Caesar B. and Everett B. Peterson. Potential of Regional and Seasonal Requirements in US Regulation of Fresh Lemon Imports. The World Economy, 35(8) (August 2012): 1022-1036.
Peterson, Everett B., Joachim Schleich, and Vicki Duscha. Economic and Environmental Effects of Voluntary Emission Reductions: Copenhagen Pledges and European Commission Proposal. Energy Policy, 39 (June 2011): 3697-3708.
Peterson, Everett B. and Huey-Lin Lee. Implications of Incorporating Domestic Margins into Analyses of Energy Taxation and Climate Change Policies. Economic Modelling, 26(2) (March 2009): 370-378.
Technical Reports
Duscha, Vicki, Everett B. Peterson, Joachim Schleich, Katja Schumacher. “Sectoral Targets as a Means to Reduce Global Carbon Emissions.” Report No. UBA-FB 00, German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, October 2014, 38 pp.
Hansman, J. D. McConnachie, C. Wollersheim, N. Chan, M. Crépin, M. Elke, M. Hansen, T. Li, E. Peterson and A. Trani. “The Impact of Oil Prices on the Air Transportation Industry.” National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR), (September 2013) 161 pp.
Ferrier P., E. Peterson, M. Landes. "Specialty Crop Access to U.S. Markets: A Case Study of Indian Mangoes." ERR-142, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (November 2012), 33 pp.
Cororaton, Caesar B. and Everett Peterson. “The Potential of Regional and Seasonal Access Requirements in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulation of Trade: The Case of US Fresh Lemon Imports.” GII Working Paper 2011-4, Global Issues Initiative, Institute for Society, Culture and Environment, Virginia Tech, Arlington VA. December 2011.
Peterson, Everett. “Using the Trans-log Expenditure Function to Endogenize New Market Access in Partial Equilibrium Models.” Global Issues Initiative (GII), Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE), Virginia Tech (October 2011) 12 pp.
Schleich, Joachim, Vicki Duscha, Katja Schumacher, Jakob Graichen, Sean Healy, and Everett B. Peterson. “Post-2012 Climate Regime Options for Global GHG Emission Reduction: Analysis and Evaluation of Regime Options and Reduction Potential for Achieving the 2 Degree Target With Respect to Environment Effectiveness, Costs and Institutional Aspects.” Climate Change 16/2011, Environmental Research of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, (August 2011), 69 pp.
Cororaton, Caesar B., David Orden, and Everett Peterson. “Economic Impact of Potential U.S. Regulatory Decisions Concerning Imports of Argentine Lemons.” Global Issues Initiative (GII), Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE), Virginia Tech (April 2011), 69 pp.
Ball, Michael, Cynthia Barnhart, Martin Dresner, Mark Hansen, Kevin Neels, Amedeo Odoni, Everett Peterson, Lance Sherry, Antonio Trani, Bo Zou. “Total Delay Impact Study: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Costs of Impacts of Flight Delay in the United States.” National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR), (November 2010) 82 pp.
Schleich, Joachim, Vicki Duscha, and Everett B. Peterson. “Environmental and economic effects of the Copenhagen pledges and more ambitious emission reduction targets.” German Federal Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, (July 2010) 49 pp.
Peterson, Everett B. “Open Skies: An Economic Assessment of the US-EU Open Aviation Agreement.” FAA Project Report, Federal Aviation Administration, (March 2009) 89 pp.