Jonathan van Senten

102 S King St.
Hampton, VA 23669
Jonathan van Senten is based out of the Virginia Seafood Agriculture and Experiment Station in Hampton, Virginia. His work focuses primarily on aquaculture, primarily aimed at understanding and quantifying the costs and impacts of the regulatory environment at the farm level. To date, he has evaluated three sectors of U.S. aquaculture (baitfish, trout, and west coast shellfish) with colleagues, and will be working on tilapia, hybrid striped bass, catfish, and east coast shellfish over the course of the next two years. In addition, he's also involved with assessing the viability of emerging species, commercial aquaponics, evaluating new diet formulations for aquaculture, financial benchmarking, and economic impact assessment.
- Aquaculture
Ph.D. Aquaculture/Fisheries, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 2016
M.P.S., Marine Affairs & Policy: Aquaculture, University of Miami RSMAS, 2012
B.S., Marine Biology, Minor: Chemistry, Barry University, 2010
My research focuses on the economics of Virginia aquaculture. Specific areas of interest include:
- Quantifying the farm-level effects of the regulatory environment
- Feasibility of emerging species for aquaculture
- Assessing the economic performance of new dietary formulations
- Ornamental aquaculture and business development
- Financial benchmarking of aquaculture sectors
- Intensive production of live feeds for marine aquaculture
- Economics of aquaponics
I am building an Extension program centered on industry and stakeholder needs in the areas of economics, business planning, and strategic marketing. Specific activities include providing training through workshops, seminars, webinars, presentation of research findings to industry and stakeholder groups, publication of extension factsheets, technical bulletins, infographics, and face to face meetings with industry and stakeholders.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech, 2018 - Present
- Research Scientist, Virginia Seafood AREC, Virginia Tech, Hampton, VA, May 2018-December 2018
- Postdoctoral Associate, Virginia Seafood AREC, Virginia Tech, Hampton, VA, August 2016-May 2018
Distinguished Early Career Award, United States Acquaculture Society, 2020
International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Marketing Ph.D. Best Dissertation Award, 2017
World Aquaculture Society Certificate of Appreciation, Aquaculture America 2016,
Gamma Sigma Delta, Agriculture Honor Society, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 2015
Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society, Beta Delta Chapter. Barry University, 2010
Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society, Barry University, 2009
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
van Senten, J. and C.R. Engle. 2017. The costs of regulations on U.S. baitfish and sportfish producers. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 48(3). DOI:10.111/jwas.12416.
van Senten, J., Dey, M., Engle, C.R. Effects of regulations on technical efficiency of U.S. baitfish and sportfish producers. 22:3, 284-305. DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2018.1454539.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Hartman, K., Johnson, K., Gustafson, L. A uniform health code for aquaculture farms: an economic analysis of potential farm-level costs and benefits. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.05.007
Manuscripts in preparation
Engle, C.R. and van Senten, J. The effects of regulations on the U.S. trout industry. (submitted)
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Dey, M. The economic contribution of the baitfish and sportfish industry on the state of Arkansas. (in preparation)
van Senten, J. and Engle, C.R. The effects of regulations on the West Coast shellfish industry. (in preparation)
Extension Publications
van Senten, J., Smith, M.A., Engle, C., Clark, C., Fluharty, S., and Schwarz, M.H. Impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. aquaculture, aquaponics, and allied businesses: Quarter 2 Results. AAEC-228NP. VSG-20-10. Virginia Cooperative Extension: August 6, 2020.
van Senten, J., Smith, M.A., Engle, C. Impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. aquaculture, aquaponics, and allied businesses: Quarter 1 Results. AAEC-218NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension: April 29, 2020.
Christie, T., Dorr, B., Roy, L., Kelly, A.M., Engle, C., Davis, B., and van Senten, J. Cormorant Predation of Commercial Catfish Aquaculture in the Mississippi Delta. AAEC-231NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. March 9, 2020.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Western Region Findings. AAEC-206NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. October 2, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Michigan Findings. AAEC-197NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 26, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Utah Findings. AAEC-202NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 26, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Midwest States Findings. AAEC-194NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Idaho Findings. AAEC-196NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: New York Findings. AAEC-198NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: North Carolina Findings. AAEC-199NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Ohio Findings. AAEC-200NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Pennsylvania Findings. AAEC-201NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Virginia Findings. AAEC-203NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: West Virginia Findings. AAEC-204NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Wisconsin Findings. AAEC-205NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 23, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: National Findings. AAEC-192NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 19, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Coastal States Findings. AAEC-193NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 19, 2019.
van Senten, J., Engle, C., Fornshell, G. Infographic: The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Colorado Findings. AAEC-195NP. Virginia Cooperative Extension. September 5, 2019.
Schwarz, M., van Senten, J., Jahncke M., Lazur, A. Overview of Good Aquaculture Practices. Virginia Cooperative Extension. 600-054 (CNRE-40P). December 20, 2018.
DiMaggio, M.A., Groover, E.M., Schwarz, M., van Senten, J. Species Profile: Clownfish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Species Profile. October 1, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: National Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-219 (AREC-225). Virginia Cooperative Extension. July 25, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: South East Region Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-222. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 24, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: South Central Region Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-221. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 24, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Great Lakes Region Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-220. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 24, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Wisconsin Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-218. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 18, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Pennsylvania Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-217. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 18, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Ohio Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-216. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 18, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: North Carolina Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-215. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 18, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: New York Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-214. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 12, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Florida, Illinois, Texas, and Kansas Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-213. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 12, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Arkansas Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-212. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 12, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R. Infographic: Alabama Baitfish and Sportfish Regulatory Costs. AREC-211. Virginia Cooperative Extension. April 10, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Smith, M. Cost of regulations on producers of baitfish and sportfish in Ohio. Buckeye Aquafarming. Ohio State University Extension. Ohio State University South Centers. Vol. 2, No. 1. April, 2017.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Dey, M.M., Roy, L.A., Kelly, A.M. Inefficiency factors and economic impact of baitfish and sportfish production. Arkansas Aquafarming. April, 2017. 34(1): 5-6.
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Kelly, A.M., Roy, L.A. Cost of regulations on producers of baitfish and sportfish in Arkansas. ETB 261, Cooperative Extension Program, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. December, 2016. ETB261-PD-12-2016N
van Senten, J., Engle, C.R., Roy, L.A., Kelly, A.M. The cost and impact of regulations on baitfish and sportfish aquaculture. Arkansas Aquafarming. October, 2016. 33(3):1-2.
Fact Sheets
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: National Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Coastal States Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Midwest States Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Western Region Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Colorado Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Idaho Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Michigan Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: New York Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: North Carolina Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Ohio Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Pennsylvania Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Utah Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Virginia Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: West Virginia Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Engle, C., van Senten, J., Fornshell, G. The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: Wisconsin Findings. WRAC Fact Sheet. University of Washington. 2019.
Clements, S., Dorr, B., Engle, C., Roy, L., Kelly, A., van Senten, J., Davis, B. The Problems of Avian Predators on Fish Farms: Scaup on Baitfish (Golden Shiner) Farms. AAEC-191. Virginia Cooperative Extension. July 8, 2019.