Meet our Ph.D. Job Market Candidates
Thank you for visiting the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics placement page.
Its purpose is to give interested institutions a preview of our Ph.D. candidates available for employment. The following candidates are currently on the job market.

Naveen Abedin
Research interests: Health, nutrition, food security, and climate change
Job market paper: How does the KSS Program impact the SSB intake of students: An investigation beyond Total Treatment Effect in RCT
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation chair: George Davis

Anukul Bhattarai
Research interests: Food and health economics
Job market paper: Food-at-home and food-away-from-home price volatility and COVID effects
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation chair: George Davis

Chenyang "Nate" Hu
Research interests: Environmental and resource economics, energy economics, agricultural economics, and applied econometrics
Job market paper: (1) Impact of large-scale solar on property values in the U.S.: Diverse effects and causal mechanisms and (2) Improving ecosystem services from U.S. agriculture: Yield reserve vs. land retirement
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Chair: Darrell Bosch

Yoonjung Lee
Research interests: Impact evaluation, nutrition and health, food and health
Job market paper: Impacts of fortified rice on children's outcomes in Cambodia
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Chair: Anubhab Gupta and John Bovay

Leonard-Allen Quaye
Research interests: Applied econometrics, time series analysis, development economics, and agribusiness
Job market paper: Exploring the dynamics of food commodity prices and weather anomalies using a STAR model
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Chair: Shamar Stewart

Kiseok Shin
Research interests: Trade and environmental economics
Job market paper: Trade and the environment
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Chair: Jason Grant

Yuanyuan Wen
Research interests: Climate change, agricultural production, environmental and natural resource economics, and applied econometrics
Job market paper: Social and ecological impacts of China’s grain for Green Program
Professional webpage | Curriculum vitae
Dissertation Chair: Wei Zhang